Sunday, May 22, 2011

What I did today

I use to ride when I was a kid/pre-teen/teen/young adult.  Horses were all consuming.  I got my first horse when I was 14.  I was so lucky.  My parents were not into anything that took constant care.  You can put away a motorcycle or snowmobile when you are done with them.  A horse you have to feed every day....every day....every day.  I lived about 4 miles away from my horse and had to beg, borrow or (shoo, hitch hike) a ride to feed and water him every day in the winter.  I lived in the northern part of Alberta so that included 40 below weather that lasted a week at a time.  When summer came along with access to pastures, heaven!  I would not go out for 2 weeks just for the pleasure not having to feed.

Then I got the itch again.  Just the smell of his bay hide would fill my heart.  I spent many hours riding mostly alone but sometimes with other people as well.  My favorite riding time was early in the morning.  It still is.

I gave up horses because my ex-husband made it impossible to care for them.  I should have taken the hint but it took 7 long years to figure it out.  I a person, any person, that wants to rip away your passion does not care about you.  I am again lucky.  I have a Quarter horse that is just a dream of a horse and a pony that is, om, a pony.  He is a well behaved pony when you let him know he has to be.  Otherwise he is a - insert fowl language here.  Both animals are fun to be with and a joy to own.